josh garza in Chinese
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- garza
- 加尔萨; 加尔扎
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- josh
- n. 乔希〔男子名,Joshua的昵称〕。 n. 〔美俚〕揶揄,嘲笑,戏弄。 vt. , vi. 〔美俚〕(无恶意地)戏弄,哄骗,(和…)开玩笑。 n. -er 开玩笑的人,戏弄者。
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- garza garcia
- 加尔萨加西亚
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- josh barfield
- 乔许巴菲尔德
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What is the meaning of josh garza in Chinese and how to say josh garza in Chinese? josh garza Chinese meaning, josh garza的中文,josh garza的中文,josh garza的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by